In May 2023, we ran 5 separate online studies and recruited a total
of 6,587 US adults, quota sampled to match five geographies of interest
to the Climate Culture program: United States (n = 1,528), California (n
= 1,496), Texas (n = 1,534), the greater Boston area (n = 1,015), and
the greater Denver area (n = 1,014).
You can explore geographic-specific results by navigating the tabs at
the top of this page.
The national sample was quota sampled to match the US Census data in
age group x sex x ethnicity and Hispanic/non-Hispanic origin. The sample
was additionally weighted using survey weights to be representative of
the US adult population in age group x sex x ethnicity,
Hispanic/non-Hispanic origin, annual household income before taxes,
state population, political
viewpoint, and the segments of Global
Warming’s Six Americas.
For the seven climate behaviors, we measured ten indicators
identified as either important enablers or predictors of climate
- Consideration
- Whether the person has considered adopting the behavior in the
- Before taking this survey, have you ever considered getting a fully
electric car? [Yes or No]
- Adoption
- Reported adoption of the behavior
- Does your household have solar panels installed to get electricity?
[Yes or No]
- Intention
- Reported intention to perform the behavior in the near
- How likely is it that you will limit your beef consumption in the
next 12 months? [0%-100%]
- Belief that others have adopted
- Perceived number of others that have adopted the behavior
(empirical expectations)
- Imagine 10 households you know. If you had to guess, how many of
them do you think get their electricity from community solar?
- Belief that others should adopt
- Beliefs that other people should adopt the behavior because it
is the right thing to do (personal normative beliefs)
- Do you think that people should purchase carbon offsets because it
is the right thing to do? [Yes or No]
- Beliefs that others think people should adopt
- Perceived number of others that think one should adopt the
behavior because it is the right thing to do (normative
- Imagine 10 people you know. If you had to guess, how many think that
people should use an electric heat pump for heating and cooling because
it is the right thing to do? [0-10]
- Self-efficacy
- A belief in one’s ability to adopt the behavior
- How confident are you in your ability to purchase and drive a fully
electric car? [5pt Likert, Extremely confident - Not at all
- Outcome efficacy
- A belief that adopting the behavior carries climate-mitigating
- How confident are you that you completing major energy-saving home
improvements will reduce your individual carbon emissions? [5pt Likert,
Extremely confident - Not at all confident]
- Personal benefit
- Stated personal benefit as the result of adopting the
- How much do you think limiting your beef consumption would benefit
you personally? [5pt Likert, Benefit me a lot - Not benefit me at
- Perceived ease of adoption
- Reported ease in adopting the behavior
- How difficult (in terms of time, effort, or inconvenience on your
part) would it be for you to get your electricity from community solar?
[0%-100%; reverse coded]
Please note several key points when interpreting the Index results
and comparing changes in estimates.
Description of behaviors
The definitions (the way the behaviors were presented to a survey
taker) for certain behaviors have been refined over time. While we
believe these adjustments have minimal impact for most behaviors, there
are some instances, such as Install a heat pump AC, where the
changes could potentially alter survey participants’ perception of the
- Purchase carbon offsets:
- National Index 2021: Carbon offsets are something you can
buy. If you buy a carbon offset, you are paying for someone to reduce
carbon emissions or pull emissions out of the atmosphere. For example,
if you buy a 1 ton carbon offset, that means that 1 ton of carbon is
either not released into the atmosphere or is pulled out of the
atmosphere. Importantly, if that carbon offset did not exist, that
carbon would have ended up in the atmosphere.
- National Index 2023: Every person has a carbon footprint,
which is the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse
gases (GHGs) their activities generate. In order to address the impact
of climate change, an individual needs to assess and reduce one’s own
carbon emissions. Because it is challenging to be carbon neutral (or net
zero) solely through lowering one’s emissions, carbon offsetting is a
market mechanism allowing individuals to purchase carbon credits from
verified projects designed to reduce carbon emissions or remove carbon
from the atmosphere. Thus, through calculating one’s carbon footprint,
then through emissions reduction, and finally through purchasing carbon
credits, an individual can achieve carbon neutrality.
- Purchase an Electric Vehicle:
- National Index 2021: A fully electric car is one that runs
entirely on electricity and does not use any gasoline.
- National Index 2023: A fully electric car is one that runs
only on electricity and does not use any gasoline or diesel. In other
words, a fully electric car does not have an internal combustion engine.
A hybrid car is therefore not fully electric.
- Install a heat pump AC:
- IRA Index 2023: An electric heat pump provides heating and
cooling for central air conditioning systems or for single rooms. It is
different from baseboard electric heating, and it is different from an
in-window air conditioner.
- National Index 2023: An electric heat pump uses pressurized
liquid to safely and efficiently move heat into and out of your home. It
is different from baseboard electric heating, and it is different from
an in-window air conditioner.
- Subscribe to community solar:
- IRA Index 2023: Community solar is a way for people to use
solar energy without installing solar panels. Instead, people can buy
the solar energy from a large solar project located in their community,
county or state.
- National Index 2023: Community solar is a way for many
people to share one large solar energy system, buying power from it
instead of each installing solar panels on their homes.
- Complete a whole-home energy retrofit:
- IRA Index 2023: We will ask you questions about major
energy-saving home improvements. This varies from home to home, but
often involves adding or improving the insulation in your walls, attic,
and/or crawl space in addition to upgrading one or more of your home’s
heating and cooling or water heating systems. It might also mean
obtaining energy-efficient windows and doors, or new efficient
- National Index 2023: Now, we will ask you questions about
major energy-saving home improvements. This varies from home to home. A
major improvement would involve making big changes to your home’s
insulation or doors or windows, to the systems you use to heat and cool
your home, and to how you heat water.
In the IRA Index 2023 and National Index 2023, we phrased questions
on Personal normative beliefs and Normative
expectations differently. Notably, the phrase “because it is
the right thing to do” was omitted in the IRA Index 2023, possibly
diminishing the normative emphasis of the question. As a result,
questions in the IRA Index 2023, with the softer normative cue, might
have led to higher estimates for the two indicators. We caution against
comparing the two indicators from IRA Index 2023 and National Index
- Belief that others should adopt (personal normative
- IRA Index 2023: If people have the choice, should they
install solar panels?
- National Index 2021 and 2023: If people have the choice,
should they install solar panels because it is the right thing to
- Belief that others think people should adopt (normative
- IRA Index 2023: Imagine 10 people you know. If you had to
guess, how many think that people should install solar panels?
- National Index 2021 and 2023: Imagine 10 people you know.
If you had to guess, how many think that people should install solar
panels because it is the right thing to do?
The wording of questions for the two indicators remained consistent
in the National Index 2021, Boston Index 2021, and National Index